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Global Public Health Consulting

Global Public Health Consulting Projects

In addition to the GSID System and AIDSVAX programs, GSID has been retained over the years by several public health-focused organizations to provide technical guidance and its expertise. These projects have included:

  • Given our experience in global public health and our interest in developing tools for the control of infectious diseases, GSID was retained to research the field of informal surveillance networks and to develop a detailed business plan to enhance and improve the operations of the Global Public Health Intelligence Network (GPHIN), which was originally developed by the Public Health Agency Canada (PHAC). Support for this project was funded through the Silicon Valley Community Foundation and was performed in behalf of the Google foundation.

  • GSID was asked to write and share a white paper on sample collections around the world, which might help in the detection of unknown pathogens. GSID recommended the creation of a system to allow research to connect and to search data related to sample collections around the world. A copy of the white paper is available here. Support for this project was provided by the Google Foundation.

  • Under a grant from the Skoll Global Threats Fund, GSID conducted a landscape analysis of the challenges and potential solutions for providing global disease surveillance from the point of care in low and middle income countries. The report resulted in the initial development idea concept and plans for the GSID System for Infectious Disease Surveillance.

  • Don Francis served as a member of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) to assist the WHO in providing advice and financial support to transfer influenza vaccine production technology to interested manufacturers and governments in developing countries.

  • GSID coordinated the drug product and supplies logistics and provided on-the-ground monitoring of a national immunization campaign for Japanese Encephalitis (JE). The campaign vaccinated nearly 1.4 million children in various regions of North Korea. This program was funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Christian Friends of Korea; and administer by PATJ and GSID. For more details about this project click here.

  • GSID worked with vaccine manufactures in low and middle income countries, as they work to develop a safe and effective vaccine for dengue. The International Vaccine Institute (Seoul, Korea) asked GSID to conduct an analysis of all candidate dengue vaccines, their developers, and their potential manufacturing partners. GSID continued to work on vaccine manufacturing plans and the clinical trial design with the dengue program of the Butantan Foundation (Sao Paulo, Brazil).

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CNN International provides an update on the PrEPVacc clinical trial